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Facebook Ad Management is Getting Harder

So we are making it easier.

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We Created A Competitive Advantage For You Over Your Competitor Facebook Ads

Facebook has taken away demographic targeting for its ads.  Its geographic targeting is also ineffective.  So we created a solution we can use to precisely target your desired customers.

Audience Targeting

Advertising on Facebook and Instagram is all about getting the right message to the right audience.  Once this is solved, constant improvement can be made over time to the campaign messaging.

Audience Audit

We perform a demographic analysis of your target audience and the data of past customers around your place of business to find quality customers quickly.

Ad Experimentation

We take an experimental approach to audience targeting and ad messaging to drive consistent sales growth from paid social advertising.

Conversion Optimization

We carefully measure our ad A/B experiments based on KPIs that best align with your sales goals, and optimize it all so we ensure consistent sales growth.

Ad Nurturing

We created our own tools to nurture an audience through ads on Facebook.  Take your target market on a multi-staged journey just like you do with email nurture campaigns.


A winning combination of PPC and CRO.

At the heart of all of our advertising is a desire to constantly improve clicks and conversions.  Every ad is optimized over time to appeal to your target market.  When possible, every landing page is A/B tested to get the best results. PPC is not simply a set it and forget it strategy.  To drive the desired growth, it must constantly improve based on the data we collect from the audiences converting and not converting through your Google Search and Display ads.

The Power of Data

Harness the Power of Customer Targeting with Lumentis

We believe in using data to reach more customers so much we built our own audience management platform to help you reach your target market.  Google and Bing are keyword-focused and interest-focused.  This is very powerful, but it’s not customer-focused.  We can use the power of geographic and demographic data to help target just the right audience to ensure your budgets are not wasted.

Request a Facebook Ads Review

Want us to take a look at your paid account to see where you could drive down your ad spend and increase conversions? Just let us know and we will create a proposal for improving the results of your ad budget.

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