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Using AI to Grow Your Business

By May 4, 2023May 9th, 2023AI, SEO

Is AI good or bad for business growth?

At the moment, businesses are reaping the benefits of what generative AI can do.  Even small businesses.

So in case you were not aware, did you know you are using AI in your everyday business life?  Google Search and Google Ads is the most obvious, but the content you see on Netflix, Spotify and Facebook is all AI-driven.  When you do voice-to-text on your phone so you don’t have to type, that also is AI.

As a business though, these types of technologies have traditionally been out of reach for the small business.  But as we are all seeing suddenly, this has been rapidly changing because of a lot of different companies, but most notably, the efforts of OpenAI.


  1. What the CEO Should Know About Using AI In Business
  2. What Are Some Example Business Ideas Using AI and GPT?
    1. Examples Click Has Created
    2. Examples from the Wild
  3. Generative AI in Sales
  4. Using Generative AI to Reduce Programming Time
  5. Using Generative AI in Business That Drives Growth

What the CEO Should Know About Using AI in Business

First, we need to explain what is generative artificial intelligence.

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new and original content on its own, without being explicitly programmed. It works by analyzing large amounts of data, such as text, images, or videos, to learn the patterns and structures of the data. Once it has learned these patterns and structures, it can generate new and original content that is similar in style and tone to the original data.

For example, if you give generative AI a large dataset of customer reviews for a product, it can learn the patterns and structures of the reviews and generate new and original reviews that sound like they were written by real customers. Or if you give generative AI a large dataset of images of your products, it can learn the patterns and structures of the images and generate new and original images that are similar in style and content to the original images.

Now, let’s define GPT.  GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a type of AI language model that is designed to generate human-like text. GPT is trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing it to learn the patterns and structures of human language. Once trained, GPT can generate new text that is similar in style and tone to the original text data.

Here are the top 5 things that your CEO needs to know about using generative AI for business growth:

  1. Improves Efficiency: GPT can automate certain tasks, such as customer service and content creation, freeing up time and resources for other business operations.
  2. Enhances Personalization: GPT can generate personalized content based on user data, improving customer engagement and satisfaction.
  3. Enables Innovation: GPT is a constantly evolving technology, allowing businesses to stay at the forefront of innovation and take advantage of new applications and use cases.
  4. Boosts Competitive Advantage: By incorporating GPT technology into their operations, businesses can gain a competitive advantage by improving their efficiency, personalization, and innovation.
  5. Enables Data-Driven Decisions: GPT can analyze large amounts of text data, providing insights that can inform business decisions and strategies.

Overall, generative AI offers businesses a range of benefits that can improve their efficiency, personalization, innovation, competitive advantage, and data-driven decision-making. By understanding these benefits, CEOs can make informed decisions about whether to incorporate AI and GPT technology into business operations.

What Are Some Example Business Ideas Using AI and GPT For Business Growth?

So let’s explore what some of the possibilities are right now, knowing this list is going to be outdated within the next couple of months (if not days).

Our team here at Click has already been working with GPT for a couple of years now on different projects.  The ideas in the marketplace using generative AI are increasing (it seems) exponentially right now.

Here are some of the examples at Click Laboratory where we have used been using generative AI.

Data Visualization

AI image generation can be used to create data visualizations that are easier to understand and interpret than traditional charts and graphs. This can help businesses communicate complex data in a more accessible and visually appealing way.

Content Translation

AI can be used to automatically translate content into multiple languages, allowing businesses to expand their reach and target new markets.

OCR Improvements

We have been testing different AI systems for improving the OCR of paper documents to digital.  The improvement is significant.  I can’t imagine the huge number of hours I’ve wasted over the years with OCR without AI.

Content Development For Marketing

AI-powered content generation tools can create articles, blog posts, emails, product descriptions, and other types of content at scale, reducing the time and resources required to create high-quality content.  No, you don’t want to use it to create everything, but it is a HUGE timesaver for non-professional writers.

Here are some examples of using AI and GPT we have heard about in business.

Social Media Analysis

AI can be used to analyze social media trends and create content that resonates with specific audiences, increasing engagement and driving conversions.

Image Creation

AI image generation can be used to create high-quality and personalized visual content for marketing and advertising campaigns. This can include creating customized images for social media posts, targeted advertisements, and product catalogs.

Content Curation and Analysis

AI can be used to curate and organize existing content, making it easier for businesses to identify relevant content and streamline their content marketing efforts.

Online Customer Service Automation

One example could be a customer service chatbot that utilizes chatGPT to provide personalized assistance to customers. This chatbot could be trained on a variety of customer inquiries and responses to provide quick and accurate responses to customer questions, reducing the need for human customer service representatives and improving the customer experience.

Realtime Content Personalization

Another example could be in the field of marketing, where chatGPT could be used to generate personalized content for customers based on their interests and preferences. By analyzing data on customer behavior and preferences, chatGPT could generate targeted marketing materials such as email campaigns, social media posts, and product recommendations.

Image Analysis

Using AI imaging for how full a box meant for shipping is.  Also measuring the dimensions for shipping by just pointing a camera at it.

IT Security

AI in the world of IT security has been around for awhile now and it used for detecting intrusions and other types of attacks on servers and infrastructure.


The use of new chat bots on websites that can learn all of your company documentation so that they are not so dumb.  I have a personal pet peeve of the older chatbots on sites, but with the integration of generative AI, it is making life a lot better.

Job Hunting

A person that wanted to get a job at a particular company created an audio file that sounded like a popular rap artist singing about the benefits of a company in order to get an interview at that company.

There is a lot of work going on these days by individuals using AI to improve their resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and create cover letters, especially with such a competitive market right now.

Generative AI in Sales

Despite the growing popularity of product-led growth (PLG), sales is still a personal business. In high-value sales, salespeople need to understand their customers and provide customized solutions. However, using templates for sales outreach and call scripts can feel like a compromise between quality and quantity, and may not always be effective in speeding up the sales process.

Generative AI can change this dynamic. By leveraging the power of AI, businesses can achieve both quality and efficiency in their sales efforts. For example, instead of relying on templates, businesses can use generative AI to personalize their outreach at scale. They can also use AI to generate accurate email copy, freeing up salespeople’s time to focus on personalization and editing.

With generative AI for business growth efforts, sales teams can maintain their focus on quality and personalization without sacrificing efficiency. By automating routine tasks and leveraging the power of AI, sales teams can work smarter, not harder, and achieve better results in less time.

Using Generative AI to Reduce Programming Time

This isn’t talked about much except in software circles, but this is really a major game changer that you need to know about.  Generative AI can be used for programming and code writing in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Code Generation: Generative AI can be used to generate code automatically, based on predefined inputs and parameters. This can help streamline the software development process and reduce the amount of time and resources required for manual coding.
  2. Code Optimization: Generative AI can be used to analyze existing code and make recommendations for optimization, such as identifying inefficiencies or suggesting alternative code structures.
  3. Bug Detection: Generative AI can be used to automatically detect and fix bugs in code, reducing the need for manual debugging and improving the quality of software.
  4. Natural Language Programming: Generative AI can be used to allow developers to write code in natural language, rather than traditional programming languages. This can make coding more accessible and reduce the barrier to entry for new developers.
  5. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Generative AI can be used to create chatbots and virtual assistants that can assist developers in the software development process. This can include providing code suggestions, debugging assistance, and answering programming-related questions.

Overall, generative AI can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of programming and code writing, and can also help make coding more accessible to a wider range of people. By leveraging the power of AI in software development, businesses can streamline their operations and create high-quality software more efficiently.

Using Generative AI In Business That Drives Growth

Embracing the power of generative AI is the way forward.

Generative AI is transforming the way businesses operate and unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation. Whether you’re in marketing, sales, customer support, engineering, or data privacy, there are countless ways in which generative AI can benefit your organization.

From automating routine tasks to creating personalized content, generative AI has the potential to transform the way you do business. With the ability to analyze and interpret large amounts of data, generative AI can help you make better decisions, improve efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.

So, if you want to stay ahead of the game and unlock the full potential of your business, there has never been a better time to explore the many benefits of generative AI.

Get started today and discover how this powerful technology can help take your business to the next level.

John Paul Mains

John Paul Mains is the Chief Marketing Scientist at Click Laboratory. He loves all things digital, but especially SEO and analytics. If you're interested in learning more, his LinkedIn profile is

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